Coaching for Artists  

A playful exploration that encourages authenticity in artistic creation.

  • Self-Awareness 
  • Dance + Movement
  • Somatic Practices
  • Art

The ME@MOTION coaching method is specifically designed for performance artists (dancers, actors, singers, directors, choreographers and musicians) who wish to cultivate a more embodied approach to their personal and artistic development. By combining self-awareness with dance and somatic practices, The method offers a unique and effective way for artists to tap into their full potential and connect with their bodies, minds and emotions in a more authentic and meaningful way.

Unsere Vision

Es gibt eine einfache Wahrheit: Wenn Sie an das glauben, was Sie tun, können Sie Großes erreichen. Das ist der Grund, warum Ihnen bei der Erreichung Ihres Zieles helfen möchten.

Group  and individual programmes

Workshop Whole Brain Dancing with Altea Garrido und Pascal Sangl, 2023. Gefördert durch die Stadt Stuttgart

The ME@MOTION programs are led by Altea Garrido, an accomplished dancer and choreographer with an extensive career on international stages performing and creating alongside some of the most influential directors of the last 20 years in Germany.

With a Master‘s degree in Emotional Intelligence and expertise in Integral Personal Coaching and Business Coaching, Altea Garrido offers a unique perspective on personal and professional development helping individuals achieve greater success and fulfillment.

The ME@MOTION programs are available in English, Spanish and German.


  • Integral Coach (Certified Coach Training Program (ACSTH ICF) and DBVC) - Coaching Center Berlin 
  • KAIROS Career Consultant and Biography Coach.
  • LINC Personality Profiler - LINC Academy, Lüneburg
  • Master in Emotional Intelligence, Positive Psychology and Neuroscience - Instituto Psicobiológico, Madrid 
  • Master in Contemporary Dance - Folkwang University, Essen, Germany
  • MELT ® Instructor (Fascia Therapy) 
  • 30 years of experience in the performing arts
  • Extensive pedagogical experience
  • 10 years managing a dance, movement and yoga school 
  • Languages: Spanish, English, German

"Whether you are seeking personal or professional development, as your coach, I am committed to igniting the spirit of adventure within you and helping you find your own path towards a meaningful and fulfilling life."

"Kompetent - Konstruktiv - Motivierend.
Dieses Coaching brachte mir Klarheit & ein starkes Selbstwertgefühl." Pascal

"Tools tools tools!!! My toolbox just got bigger and more complete. That's why I feel that you help me to empower myself, because then I stay with those tools, and I feel able to apply your method without you. What a gift!" Ana

"Altea´s Begleitung gab mir die Gelegenheit, mich selbst wieder zu erkennen und in mir die Fähigkeiten und Stärken wahrzunehmen, die ich brauchte, um auf die Widrigkeiten reagieren zu können."  Patricia


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"I believe that we all have the ability to create positive change in our lives and in the world around us. My goal is to empower you to take charge of your life and create the change you desire."